7 Tips to Recover from a Traumatic Experience

Life is a roller-coaster ride of good and bad experiences, but some hurtful incidents can leave a lasting impression on the psyche, leaving a person prone to chronic stress, anxiety and emotional pain and suffering.

A serious accident, failing health, losing a loved one or suffering financial loss—anything can trigger mental trauma that can last for years. If you’ve had a traumatic experience in the recent past, finding a way to cope with your grief and pain needs to be a top priority.

Here are seven ways to place yourself on the path to healing and living a more fulfilling life.

1. Understand that you’re not alone. Too many people in the world undergo some form of trauma in their lifetime. While some can cope on their own and with the help of loved ones, others need professional help to move past a traumatic incident. Seeking help is the first step to gaining control of your life.

2. Remember that medication is not the only answer. Popping pills to resolve your feelings and emotions can only help up to an extent. You cannot expect to recover fully unless you address and face your issues, whether on your own or with the help of a professional therapist.

3. Overcoming trauma requires consistent work. The path to complete mental and physical wellness is not going to be easy and it’s going to require your wholehearted commitment. The more effort you put, the more effective will be your healing efforts.

4. Food affects your body, mind and spirit. In a state of mental distress, we gravitate toward an unhealthy lifestyle, binge eating our way to short-lived comfort. Poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle will only make you feel worse. To heal in the real sense, feed yourself nutritious foods and get off the couch.

5. The answer to your problems may lie in your deep past. Many past life regression stories show that the cause of present distress often lies in the deep past—in a past life, which you can access with the help of an experienced and certified regression therapist. If you can’t seem to find an answer to your pain or grief, perhaps you should give past life therapy a try.

6. Fix nutritional deficiencies. Did you know that Vitamin D deficiency can cause mood swings and even depression? Similarly, lack of many other essential nutrients affects both your physical and mental health. Go for blood work to test your internal health, as no amount of medication can help in trauma recovery unless your micro nutrient and hormone levels are in balance.

7. Don’t be afraid to cry. Bottling up your emotions will only prolong your post-traumatic recovery process. Acknowledge your feelings and find a way to release them. Cry if you feel like it. Talk to a friend, family member or therapist. Paint, draw, sketch, run, teach or volunteer to give an outlet to pent-up negative energy. And, lastly, forgive yourself and others and move on to the next phase of your life.

About Safikul

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