10 Things to Prepare for With Summer Around the Corner

Summer is upon us and that means pests are, too. Check out these pest control tips to help you prepare for summer insects and rodents.

1. Clean Out Closets

Clean out closets, cabinets and other storage areas that don’t get a lot of attention otherwise. This prevents dust mites, spiders and other insects that like dark corners.

2. Touch Up Your Home’s Exterior

Insects love to find their way into your home through cracks and holes in foundations, siding and doorways. Use caulk approved for outdoor use to fill in these areas.

3. Get Rid of Stagnant Water

Mosquitos love standing water. Remove buckets, planters or anything else that has been gathering rainwater or melted ice to prevent mosquitos from breeding on your property.

4. Take Care of Your Trees

Old, dead trees are the perfect spots for pests and rodents. Remove any dead trees, grind the stumps and keep any mulch at least 15 feet away from your home. Don’t forget to trim bushes and tree branches away from the house as well.

5. Mow Your Lawn

As soon as the warm weather begins, mow your lawn regularly and remove any clippings when you’re done. Long grass, weeds and lawn clippings all create spaces for fleas, ticks, other insects and even small rodents to live.

6. Repair Screens and Doors

The tiniest of holes can let insects into your home. Head to your nearest home improvement store to find screen repair kits or to purchase new screens for your windows. Check around your doors to ensure the seals are all working correctly, too.

7. Install Bug Lights

Replace your regular outdoor lights with bug lights during warm months. They’ll give you the light you need to enjoy your property but emit wavelengths that keep mosquitos and other insects away.

8. Put Bay Leaves in Your Pantry

Bay leaves have long been used for a cooking seasoning, but they also deter pests from your pantry. Add one or two leaves to each shelf where you store food to keep spiders, ants and other pests away.

9. Clean Your Grill

Ideally, you’ll clean your grill before using it anyway, of course. After the initial cleaning for the season, be sure to get rid of excess food and grease after every use to prevent animals from using it as a food source.

10. Have a Professional Inspection

Find a reputable pest control company in your area to inspect your home for signs of insects and rodents. Experienced technicians will also be able to show you where you can further improve pest protection.

If it’s too late to prepare and you already have an infestation, call a professional as soon as possible. This is especially true if you need bed bug exterminators.

About Safikul

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