10 Differences Between Learning Management Systems & Course Management Systems


Although they’re used for similar purposes, course management systems (CMS) and learning management systems (LMS) offer key differences. Though they are separate approaches to similar functions, your needs may require features that only a learning management system offers. Here are ten differences between a CMS and an LMS:

1. Learning Management Systems Offer More Room for Expansion

A CMS doesn’t have nearly the same capacity for growth as an LMS. Course management systems are streamlined versions of learning management systems, so if you’re planning on expanding your course, a learning management system is the best option.

2. Learning Management Systems Facilitate Tracking

With a course management system, you’re essentially uploading course material that your learners can access. On the other hand, a learning management system allows you to track participation in courses and monitor your learners. It also provides valuable feedback so you can adapt and improve your course as necessary.

3. Course Management Systems are Not as Interactive

One of the primary reasons why many organizations prefer to use a free learning management system over a course management system is the multimedia capabilities. An LMS allows you to utilize videos, images, PowerPoint slides, PDFs, Dreamweaver, Flash, and other tools to make your content more engaging.

4. A Learning Management System Offers Testing

A CMS is not able to save a test before it is sent to the instructor. It also doesn’t allow the administrator to verify the identity of the learner taking the quiz or the test. For online courses that offer accreditation, a learning management system that keep document individual progress is crucial.

5. Learning Management Systems Offer More Features and Flexibility

In many ways, a CMS is the most simple option for eLearning. If you want options like the ability to customize the look of your interface, cloud storage, gamification, awards and badges, easy grading, and other helpful features, a learning management system with innovative options and technology is easily your best option.

6. A Learning Management System Is a Better Long-Term Investment

In order to appeal to potential corporate buyers, many course management systems have implemented complex features. Subsequently, the drastic rise in price isn’t usually worth the cost of admission. Additionally, many academic institutions simply do not require these new add-ons. There are plenty of affordable and free learning management systems on the market today, so when you consider the variety of features and room for growth, it is the clear,optimal investment.

7. An LMS Allows for Better Communication

While a CMS will offer communication tools such as a discussion board, most learning management systems can be integrated into today’s social media networks and are accessible across many mobile platforms.

8. Learning Management Systems Make Managing and Editing Content Easy

Editing the standard names and sections of a CMS can be very challenging. Learning management systems tend to be much more user-friendly, allowing administrators with the proper credentials to quickly and conveniently edit course data as required.

9. A Learning Management System Is Ideal for Branding

A CMS is comparable to an outdated and traditional approach to eLearning, while an LMS is a more innovative and updated technology that integrates education into your corporate environment seamlessly. Though both accomplish similar goals, learning management systems allowfor more flexibility in design. Customization features allow your organization to create an interface that fits with the brand image.

10. Learning Management Systems Facilitate Easy and Secure Payments

While this feature may not be important for corporate interests, it can be a huge advantage for courses that require payment. Many learning management systems facilitate payments in-house, rather than relying on a third-party service.

Whether you are planning on implementing a new platform for your business or are interested in eLearning, acknowleding the differences between content management systems and learning management systems is crucial to the success of your training program. By utilizing the cutting edge technology of a well-established LMS, meet all of your business needs and reach for higher standards.

About Frankie Little

Frankie Little is a personal trainer, dietitian, and freelance fitness writer from Venice, California. Prioritizing her physique and her overall health, she has worked hard with many clients to ensure that their fitness goals are being both met and exceeded. Utilizing such regimens as Bikram yoga, KravMaga, and indoor cycling, she enjoys implementing new and exciting workout programs.

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