WordPress is a No-Brainer for Small Business – Know Why

WordPress is a leading Content Management System (CMS). WordPress is the most popular CMS among other CMS like Drupal, Joomla, Magento and much more.
WordPress powers more than 80 million+ website across the globe. One of the main reason why WordPress is so popular is it very easy to use and user-friendly. WordPress is an open source & free CMS. You can install it, tweak it and deploy the platform according to your requirement.
Here is few posting which helps you understand why you should be using WordPress as a CMS for your Business Website.

Search Engine Friendly
Most of the website drive organic traffic through search engines. You can easily create new SEO friendly pages and do on page SEO with the help of Plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO . You can also add meta titles, meta description to make a page or a post search engine friendly.
Huge library of Plugins and Extensions
WordPress has robust libraries of plugins and extensions. There are around 46,000 plugins and extensions available on WordPress and many of them are available for free. With the help of plugins and extension, you don’t need to code the for the functionality that you are looking for. Simply just download the plugin and active it to get started with the function of the plugin. WordPress also offers the extension for the browsers like Firefox and Chrome.
Easy eCommerce Integration
Do you plan to sell your product or services online? It is very easy to integrate eCommerce functionalities to WordPress Website. With the plugins like WooCommrce and WP eCommerce, WordPress Website will be ready to sell your stuff online. These plugins will convert your website into eCommerce store without investing much time & effort to building & designing.

Community Support
Since WordPress is widely used CMS it has a huge community. If you need any help with the WordPress website, plugin or extension then it is available in the community. interact with likeminded people and see what’s happening with the WordPress in the real time WordPress community.
WordPress is Safe & Secure
WordPress CMS gets updated frequently with the latest release covering security updates. It is quite safe to run your website on WordPress. WordPress website is safe and secure. Moreover, many plugins and extensions are available to you want the advance security of your website.
Lower Maintenance Cost
WordPress has less setup and maintenance cost compared to other CMS such as Drupal and Joomla. WordPress Programmers and designer are easier to find. Simple changes like text changes, image replacement, updates etc. can be easily done by even novice users.
WordPress is Easy to Use
Once of the main reason why WordPress is very popular CMS is it is user-friendly and easy to use. If you are beginner you can learn WordPress quickly and get started to manage your own website. Built-in functionalities like user management, blog publishing, version control, RSS feeds give you total control over the website. Once it is installed on the server it is very easy to update the content, upload new images, publish a blog post and many more things.

About Gaurav Kanabar

Gaurav Kanabar is the Director of Alphanso Tech, a globally acknowledge IT consulting company providing services in the arena of the WordPress Development Services . With immense support from the adroit team, Alphanso Tech has been serving a huge client base worldwide.

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