The fashion guide for workaholic men

For some people, work never ends. No matter whether it takes the physical presence or not, the work needs to be done and they make sure that it is completed. They’ll be the ones who definitely make themselves someone really successful in the future because they’re setting their path right by being both hard-working and determined. They are the ones who’ll skip their meals and cut-out their social connection to get the work done.

The fashion guide for workaholic men

Don’t you think that men who are aiming high and for a bright future should dress accordingly? After all, their fashion quotient will help them get noticed among others and will also make them popular for being the stylish one.

You can undo the ill effects of the late night shifts or presentations by taking good care of yourself. How do you do that? Find that out below.

Form fit shirts

We certainly aren’t talking about slim fit shirts because they are not meant for every type of physique and hence, a form fit shirt is what makes the statement general. Whether you are lean, average or bulky, a form fit shirt will complement your style without taking a lot of you. If you are still worried about the bulging stomach, you could invest in a shapewear that keeps you looking defined.

Oversized shirts for comfort

Just the opposite of what we said up there, an oversized shirt is your best companion when you are trying to find comfort at home while still thinking about work. You need to breathe free, so does your body and that’s exactly why an oversized shirt would be an exceptional way to make you feel rejuvenated for the next hard day.

A right length trouser

The problem with the pants that men wear these days is not what how they fit because the importance is well understood. What makes a graver problem is the length of the trouser. You would have seen men wearing lengths that go past their heels and below the shoes whereas; there are some who wear pants that stick above their ankles. The right length of a pair of trousers would be just below the ankle or at the ankle. Not above that or below that because both the options would not be fashionably acceptable.

Anti-tan creme

Please no!! This is not meant for only women because everyone has the right look good and stay fashionable. The anti-tan creme is something that will protect your skin from the harmful UV-rays and the other rays that can cause damage to your skin. Hence, invest in an SPF creme that will suit your skin for long hours of exposure because all you have to look and feel is energetic. Looking dull won’t do any good to you.

A long-lasting deodorant

Long working on the field (or at your desk), meeting clients, making presentations and other things that a workaholic has to do, you need to look and smell good. If you look absolutely stunning and don’t smell good, you don’t leave a long lasting impression on the other person. After all, what meets the eye is not the only important aspect but how you come across is also essential.

The comfort-providing footwear

Footwear is something showcases your class and personality. If you aren’t wearing the right kind of shoes with the outfit, you wouldn’t come across as a pleasing personality. Moreover, having comfortable pairs is equally important for you because you can’t keep comforting your feet after stretchy days of work. So, a pair of shoes that talk about your personality on the outside and pamper your feet on the inside, is what you need.

That’s all you need to be the fashionable workaholic. If you have any suggestion, do let us know in the comments below.

A Stylish Hat

As there are many types of hats, it’s hard to pick just one style, but the traditional fedora hat extenuates a certain form of punctual style that the ladies simply adore. Whether casually out for a stroll or heading out with the rest of the guys, there is most certainly a fedora for every occasion.

About Safikul

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