Ten Things Every Planner Should Know About Promoting a Successful Event

If you are hosting an event, attendance is key. No matter how much effort you put into planning, none of that will matter if no one shows up.

While it is impossible to force people come to your corporate events, there are plenty of things you include in your event planning guide to make a good turn out more likely. Here are some we suggest.

Use the Internet: There are plenty of online resources where you can advertise your event. You can use these sites in your pre event planning to invite people personality or bring in people you don’t know who may be interested.

Many of these websites allow you to provide a link where internet users can purchase tickets. Some recommended websites include Facebook, Eventbrite, Eventful and Spotify.

Enable Native Checkout: If you are using online resources to create pages where interested parties can purchase tickets for your event, be sure to use native checkout. This allows users to buy tickets directly from the event page eliminating the risk of ticket buyers becoming distracted and bouncing due to slow load times.

Research has shown that providing native checkout can increase ticket sales by 100%.

Create Content: In addition to creating online event pages, you can also provide content that will educate people about your event and your cause. These can be published on social media pages and web sites that were created for the event or for the companies involved.

While using the right keywords will be beneficial in getting your blogs noticed, truly engaging content will also draw in readers who may end up attending your event.

Launch a YouTube Channel: Video is one of the most effective tools in digital marketing today. You can use video to provide information about your event and behind the scenes footage to get people excited. You can also show snippets of the food you will providing, your musical entertainment and more.

Creating a YouTube channel will provide a central location where people can access your videos and the content will also be shareable on other social media outlets.

Use Podcasting: Podcasts are a great way to provide information about your event and promote it. The podcast you create may not be specifically dedicated to your event but can revolve around relevant topics.

If you feel like creating your own podcast is a bit much of an undertaking, think about scoring an interview on an existing podcast that is relevant to your cause.

Take Advantage of Your Email List: The best practices in corporate event planning include gathering an email list of people that have attended your events in the past. Once you have this list, you can stay in touch with these people to let them know about events you have coming up in the future.

To make your email campaign effective, separate your audience according to demographics and create personalized emails you think will appeal to them.

Boost Your Online Advertising: There are several online resources that can boost your marketing efforts. These allow you to find a target audience who will see ads for your event periodically for a set amount of time. This type of advertising is available for a fee, but it is usually pretty affordable producing a high ROI.

Use Retargeting: Retargeting is a method that is popularly used by many companies. It uses AI to trace people who have clicked on a web site and it continues to show them products to try and draw them back in.

You can use the same technology to show your ad to people who have clicked on your event to encourage them to make a purchase.

Get Influencers on Board: Influencers can also be extremely valuable in the marketing process. Influencers can be celebrities or anyone that is vocal in promoting causes and products on social media. You can send press releases to these people to see if they would be interested in supporting your cause. Offering them free admission can also be helpful.

 A paid brand ambassador can serve a similar function. He or she will be compensated for creating strategic and timely posts for your events.

Orchestrate a Ticket Give-Away: Ticket giveaways are great for getting people excited about your event. You can just make an enter to win sweepstakes or you can make it more playful encouraging people to share posts about your event and tag others to help spread the word.

When you are doing your corporate event planning, promoting your event should be a priority. Make sure your event planning checklist includes plenty of things you and your corporate event management team can do to get the word out. Then look forward to an event your guests will be talking about for weeks to come.

About Safikul

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