Making decisions is part of our daily life. In our professional life, we also make daily decisions that can mark our future in the company and the success or failure of an idea or project.
I consider that on many occasions we rush to make some decisions, we let ourselves be pressured by the moment or circumstance, we avoid the participation of another, among other situations of which we do not measure the impact on our lives and our surroundings and for this reason wherever we are presented the opportunity to make a decision we must be critical with it and at the same time very skillful. We must take into account that our decisions involve a series of factors that we must consider, can be human, financial factors, among others that can finally be the main source of a more successful future.
Here are 5 steps that the implementation of them will help us a lot to achieve success in our decisions and more when it is in the hands of the top management of a company or organization:
Describe the problem or the objective we want to reach:
By clearly defining the objectives we want to achieve, we can be clearer on what decisions are going to help us.
Analysis of the problem or decision to be made:
Once we have defined the problem we face, we must gather the necessary information to analyze it in the most objective and complete way possible. To do this we must be objective when proposing situations, without opinions or judgments of value, but only the circumstances in the most objective way possible. For this definition and information gathering, it can help us to create a checklist. It is important to gather as much information as possible without obsessing with this step, since we can reach paralysis by analysis, devoting so much time to this phase that it is too late to make decisions. We must attend to the relevant information, and discard the one that does not give us value.
Generate alternatives:
In this phase, we must generate all the alternatives that we can. We will analyze all the possibilities and the consequences of them. We must evaluate if these alternatives will really allow us to carry out the objectives that we have set. There are problem-solving techniques that can help us generate alternatives. The more people involved in the process, the more aspects will be taken into account and the more ideas we can obtain.
Selection of the alternative that we will finally carry out:
We must value that the decision we make will have certain consequences. We must assume that error is possible and we must take it as a way to improve our future processes.
Move from a decision to action:
It is useless to elaborate on this process and to reach the conclusion if later we do not put into practice the decision taken. It is important not to make decisions based on emotions. It is preferable to wait and do it in a thoughtful way. Nick Gamache Ottawa has spent more than 15 years in the Canadian media circles. Nick Gamache Journalist has spent the bulk of his career as a journalist and producer where he gained extensive experience in writing and performing for broadcasts as well as writing and editing online content.